Proposed Development @ JTWhite & RandolMill/Eastchase
As of February 8, 2022 - Denial of ZC-21-131 is upheld
Link to City Council Meeting, February 8th, 2022 - ZC-21-131 begins at 01:27:28.
The City Council heard from Bentley Village-Waterchase residents and the John T White Neighborhood Association. Councilmember Bivens provided remarks before the vote that the vision for this area developed years ago included the building of a full-service car wash, a signature grocery store, and a full-table-service restaurant. The full-service car wash is located on Eastchase south of I-30 and is successful. A new signature grocery store has been identified for Trinity and 820 and will soon be in place. The last item, a full-table-service restaurant, is still in the searching stage, however, Councilmember Bivens said "I promise you it's coming." The City Council voted unanimously to uphold the Zoning Commission's decision to deny with prejudice and to keep the property zoned for commercial purposes.
We thank the residents who sent remarks and let the City Council know through the online portal their position on the matter. It is important that our City Council know that our residents do care and are paying attention to what is happening in our community.
Thank you for the speakers at the City Council meeting Courtney Lewis, Carolyn Meier, and Sharon Ellershaw.
The Board would also like to thank the BVWNA President for the many residents she spoke with on this matter, for the numerous calls and meetings she held that included residents, neighboring associations, and leaders of east Fort Worth including Councilmember Bivens.
As of February 5, 2022 - Developer to appeal denial of ZC-21-131 - Action Need by All Residents
The developer of the property at 8661 & 8689 John T White will make an appeal at the next Fort Worth City Council meeting to overturn the Zoning Commission's denial of the zoning request and seek approval to proceed with the development of townhomes. The Fort Worth City Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 8th at 6:00pm. (ZC-21-131 can be found on page 7 of the City Council agenda.)
ACTION: As a resident of Bentley Village-Waterchase, you can submit your comments online to be provided to the City Council prior to the meeting. Click on the link below to submit your comments if you are AGAINST the zoning change or you are FOR the zoning change that will allow townhomes to be built on the property adjacent to our neighborhood. (We are in District 5 and please mention you are a Bentley Village-Waterchase resident.
At this link, you can also sign up to speak at the meeting. And whether or not you chose to speak, you can join your neighbors and attend the meeting at the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 200 Texas Street. We recommend comments be submitted by Monday evening to ensure your comments are submitted to the City Council.
Please note this has become of interest to others outside of our immediate neighborhood, and some have changed their positions since the Zoning Commission's denial of the zoning change. It would be very important for our City Council to receive comments from Bentley Village-Waterchase residents on this matter -- whether you are a member of BVWNA or not.
If you have comments or questions, feel free to reach out to BVWNA at
Let City Council hear from BVW Residents! Thank you for your support of our neighborhood.
As of January 12, 2022 - Results of FW Zoning Commission Hearing
The BVWNA held a vote on the zone change request ZC-21-131. The vote results were seventy-seven percent (77%) of the members voted to SUPPORT the rezoning and twenty-three percent (23%) of the members voted to OPPOSE the rezoning request. Members who supported and members who opposed the zone request shared many concerns and comments - such as: preventing a undesirable business from going in, ensuring our neighbors adjacent to the land were not negatively impacted, and finding ways to improve the visual environment of the area.
On January 12, the Zoning Commission heard from the property owner's representative, and from residents in JTWNA, Randol Mill Villas NA both in support and in opposition to the zone request. BVWNA President submitted a letter that reflected the membership's vote to support the zone request.
After hearing from all parties, the FW Zoning Commission voted to "deny the zoning request with prejudice." BVWNA does not have any indication of the owner's next steps.
BVWNA did tell the owner's representative if the owner plans to move forward with the commercial development of the property, we would welcome opportunity for further discussion.
So stay tuned......
Thank you to the BVWNA members who voted and to the residents who sent emails and letters.
As of January 5, 2022 - Info from meeting with photos (1/6 Updated site plan and landscape plan uploaded - see link below)
The meeting was attended by several BVWNA members and residents, residents from Randol Mill Villas, and officers of the John T White Neighborhood Association (JTWNA). Peter Kavanagh, Zone Systems Inc, and Jim Dewey, JDJR Engineering and Consultants, provided updated site plans for proposed drainage and for townhomes R2 development. Photos of an existing project of townhomes built on a slope were provided later via email.
Peter Kavanagh & Jim Dewey shared the updated site plans and answered questions. The zoning change request has been updated to request "R2" & "Planned Development" (See the FW Zoning Codes link at the 9/17/2021 updated below). The number of units has been reduced from 41 to 40 and a green space added at the northwest corner of the property. Garages are at the rear of each unit and will accommodate 2 cars and the driveway will accommodate 2 cars. The townhomes at the eastern half of the development will be limited to two stories only. The updated plan on drainage shows how the proposed development will connect to the existing storm drainage system and reduce run-off to zero after the development for existing homeowners in Bentley Village. The updated plan reflects green landscaped areas on the exterior of the development with a masonry wall. The area to the east of the development would be a detention pond rather than a retention pond which means there will be no standing pond or water feature. A detention pond would provide temporary placement for unusually fast and substantial run-off to the storm drains and will serve as a green space. The proposed development will have a mandatory HOA and will not be gated. Each townhome includes the land and the structure as an individual dwelling for individual ownership. All existing trees will likely be removed from the property, however, a landscaping plan is being developed to include trees in green areas in addition to the trees being placed in the front yard of each townhome. If the Zoning Commission grants the request to change the zoning for R2 planned development, the developer plans to begin work to build the infrastructure (water, power, streets, etc.) which could take approximately 6 months depending on weather.
Click this link to view and/or download a copy of the updated site plans and photo of an existing townhome project built on sloping land. Site Plan Updated 1/6/22 & new Landscape Plan included in this link:
VOTE: An email vote is being prepared to determine the position BVWNA will take in this matter. The email vote will be sent to current BVWNA members. If you wish to vote, please join BVWNA today!
NEXT STEPS: Please vote so that BVWNA will accurately reflect the desires of the members. All individuals are welcome to write emails of support/opposition to the Zoning Commission (see instructions and sample at 12/22/2021 update below). All emails must be received by Monday, January 10th.
Right now, BVWNA has received input from residents that reflects both opposition and support of this zoning change request. The JTWNA continues to strongly oppose this zoning change request to keep this property zoned for commercial activity. The residents at Randol Mill Villas (south of the development and west of Waterchase Townhomes) is in full support of the zoning change request that would allow the building of townhomes.
BVWNA's position on this and other issues is determined by dues-paying members.
Become a Member of BVWNA Today & Vote!
As of December 22, 2021 - January 4th Meeting with Developer
The Fort Worth Zoning Commission will hear the zoning change request ZC-21-131 on January 12, 2022.
BVWNA has scheduled an all-residents' meeting for January 4th to hear more from the developer, Peter Kavanagh, Zone Systems Inc.
All-Residents' Meeting
Tuesday, January 4th 7:00 PM at
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Church, 9065 John T. White
(at the east end of John T. White)
Please attend this important meeting to ask questions and get information on this development and how it could impact our neighborhood.
After the meeting, BVWNA will open an e-mail vote for the membership on whether to oppose or support this zoning change request. Ballots will go to members' email addresses on file. BVWNA will post the results of the membership vote on the website. We really want all current members to vote so that BVWNA accurately reflects the membership and the higher percentage of our members who vote, the greater weight the BVWNA letter will carry to the city. All residents, even members who vote, can submit individual letters of support or opposition to the Zoning Commission.
Only current 2022 members can vote - Please renew or join BVWNA to vote on this issue.
All residents can send a letter to the Zoning Commission in support or opposition of ZC-21-131. Letters/emails must be received by the Zoning Commission no later than January 10th.
Address email to: with a copy to Council Member Gyna Bivens at
Subject of the email must reference ZC-21-131.
Your email should provide your full name, your home address, and your position of support or opposition for ZC-21-131. (Click on Box below to see a sample letter)
Watch the Zoning Commission meeting online, on TV, or on YouTube:
As of November 10, 2021 - Developer is granted 60-day Extension
The developer proposing a zoning change for the vacant land at John T White and Randol Mill (at the stoplight) has received a continuance form the FW Zoning Commission. The developer will be revising their plan and will meet with BVWNA and the project engineer. The request is to change the property from commercial to residential to allow for townhomes, if approved. Stay tuned!
As of October 25, 2021 - Next Hearing on ZC-21-131 is November 10th
Next Zoning Commission Public Hearing on Wednesday, November 10th at 1:00pm will include the zoning request change ZC-21-131. The public notice of this hearing was mailed via postcard to residents within the impacted area (mostly along the south/western end of Hunters Glen Trail) and the Neighborhood Association. The meeting will be held in-person with the option to participate remotely by video conference or teleconference. The meeting will be available for viewing through WebEx, the City's Website, and FW Television.
Residents are not required to attend the meeting. If you would like to express support or opposition for this request, you can provide a written statement or speak in person. To speak in person or remotely, please submit an email to, reference the zoning change request ZC-21-131, state if your are speaking in support or opposition to this request, indicate how you will communicate (in person, via webex, or telephone), and provide your name, phone number, home address, and email address.
Information will be posted here as it is received.
As of October 13, 2021 - Proposed Draining Plan
As requested at the neighborhood meeting held September 28th, Peter Kavanagh, Zone Systems, Inc. sent last night drainage information from JDJR Engineering. A separate post was created for this information.
As of September 17 - Neighborhood Meeting Scheduled for September 28th
Tuesday, September 28th at 7:00 PM at
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Church, 9065 John T. White
(at the east end of John T. White)
Peter Kavanagh with Zone Systems, Inc. will be on-hand to present their proposal for the development of townhomes at the NE corner of John T White and Randol Mill/Eastchase. This will be an opportunity for residents to ask questions, gather information, and provide input on how this development might impact our neighborhood. If you are not able to attend, you are welcome to email your questions before the meeting to
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this informative meeting.
As of September 8, 2021 - Continuance Approved
The developer was at the hearing and requested a 60-day continuance to meet with BVWNA members and neighborhood residents and to share detailed elevation site plans. Two people signed up to speak in support of this zoning request; only one appeared. The speaker is a resident of the Randol Mill Villas and supported the development for townhomes to remedy excessive trash and the unkempt property. BVWNA requested a continuance as well. The Zoning Commission approved a 60-day continuance.
Click here to see the recorded Sept 8th Zoning Commission hearing - the matter of ZC-21-131 begins at 1:46:00 and lasts for 7 minutes.
Below is a link to the docket agenda with the exhibits for ZC-21-131 attached.
As of September 2, 2021 - Continuance Requested
The developer has not been able to meet with BVWNA and residents to discuss the proposed development. As such, BVWNA has submitted a request for a continuance of ZC-21-131 to be considered at the September 8th Zoning Commissioner Hearing.
BVWNA received notice the developer has also submitted a request to the Zoning Commission requesting a 60-day continuance.
It is expected that the Zoning Commission will grant the requests for continuances. BVWNA will attend the Zoning Commission in support of a continuance.
Thank you to our neighbors who were able to attend the 8/31 Residents' Meeting!
As of August 24, 2021 - Neighborhood Meeting Scheduled for Tues 8/31
An email with a message from BVWNA President was sent today inviting all residents to attend an information meeting regarding this proposed development. If you did not receive the email, please join BVWNA, or sign-up for non-member alerts, or send an email to to verify your email address.
BVWNA is hosting an information meeting to discuss the proposed development on
Tuesday, August 31 at 7:00 PM at
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Church, 9065 John T. White
(at the east end of John T. White)
This meeting is for us to prepare for the Zoning Commission hearing on September 8, and to discuss the proposal. Members of the John T White Neighborhood Association will attend as their association borders Bentley Village-Waterchase Estates. Councilmember Bivens and a representative from the City Planning Department will be in attendance to share information and answer questions. As of this email, we have not received a response from the owner or his representative.
BVWNA anticipates a vote of the membership before the Zoning Commission hearing on September 8. This is an opportunity to learn what we can before voting on this issue.
All residents are welcome to attend, especially those on Hunters Glen Trail whose homes back up to the property in question.
In preparation for the meeting, the following four documents are provided for your review:
As of August 23, 2021
BVWNA received notice that the Zoning Commission has placed this change request ZC-21-131 on the docket for Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 1:00 pm. Additional information on this zoning change request, how to attend and/or speak at the hearing, and meeting for residents will be posted on this website very soon.
As of August 20, 2021

A letter dated July 22 2021 was sent to all residents from Zone Systems, Inc. regarding the development of property at 8661 & 8689 John T White. The new owner proposes to build townhomes on this property. BVWNA has heard from a number of neighbors seeking information to better understand what is actually proposed. BVWNA has not received any more information than what the owner has already shared with everyone.
The owner has filed a request for a zoning change to the property zoning from commercial to planned development. City Councilmember Biven’s office will notify BVWNA when the Zoning Commission has placed this request on the docket for a hearing.
BVWNA is currently awaiting for more information from the owner. BVWNA will schedule a meeting open to all residents and property owners in our neighborhood.
As of July 27, 2021
See the letter from the BVWNA President for the latest update on this matter. Click Here
As of July 6, 2021
We've seen the article on and were aware that a developer was exploring the possibility of building townhomes at 8661 & 8689 John T White. The article states "The buyer met with surrounding homeowners' associations to gauge support during the due diligence period." This is wrong.
The BVWNA has not met with anyone regarding this property. As of this post, it does not appear that the developer has notified the city of development plans or requested the zoning be changed from commercial to residential.
BVWNA is in contact with City Councilmember Gyna Bivens and other appropriate city officials and will share information as it is available.