Update on Two Proposed Developments
Letter from BVWNA President

Dear Neighbor,
As you are probably aware, Huffines Communities had submitted a rezoning request to develop the land at 9000 John T White (east of Bentley Village). This land is zoned multi-family to allow everything from single-family housing to apartments. All research pointed to the fact that apartments were very much a possibility if the Zoning Commission did not approve the rezoning request for a planned development (PD). The BVWNA Board has kept you informed about the process and BVWNA members voted on whether or not to support the rezoning request. Seventy-three percent of the members (everyone who voted) voted to approve the planned development. During the hearing, some neighbors spoke in opposition to the planned development (PD). The Zoning Commission voted to deny the proposal. It was expected that the developer would appeal the decision to City Council in August. The BVWNA board has been concerned that the developer would opt for apartments. The following three paragraphs are from an email of July 23 from Sandi Breaux of Gyna Bivens’ office:
“A property can be redirected by the developer in several ways. Where they had requested a zoning change and then pulled it (case was never voted on at zoning commission the last time so it never went through the entire rezoning process & remains the original zoning), the developer can come back to add another aspect on the zoning such as a PD, if the case was denied without prejudice, they can come back with tweaks or request another type of zoning on the property. Huffines is now coming back with proposal to keep the current zoning on the larger site (9.283ac) & build 200 apartments in 5 buildings that are 3 stories tall. In the pre-development conference last week, there are some issues that will need to be addressed by Huffines. It was made very clear they have no intention of rezoning anything on the larger property which could already be developed as apartments. The smaller lot that was zoned for commercial is not part of their plan for these apartments. Staff was still reviewing their previous flood study but with the change from townhomes to apartments kicks in a requirement to submit a new study. There was discussion about a water/sewer use study because this kind of development will require different tie ins for lines/meters. They have proposed extension of a small portion of JT White Road to be used as a driveway area and there is some concern about that because it would require agreements with the City – this seems to be the most complicated component. Huffines says they turned in civil plans & other requirements will be met although staff was unsure about this new plan meeting requirements for sub-division ordinance. If waivers are required and Huffines has to go through processes at Board of Adjustment OR Plan Commission OR Urban Forestry, then public meetings will be held and there will be more chances for residents to speak out.”
The BVWNA board will continue to monitor this situation and let you know if there is anything we can do to prevent this land from being developed for apartments. There is another rezoning request for land that borders Bentley Village at the corner of John T White and Randol Mill. This land is zoned commercial. The developer wants to change the zoning to planned development (multi-family) so they can build townhomes. This is a different situation in that we can stop this by asking the Zoning Commission not to change the zoning from commercial. There is no date on the hearing yet, but I have spoken with the John T White Neighborhood Association (JTWNA) and we are in agreement that we don’t need anymore housing around Bentley Village. There was an article in the Fort Worth Business Press that stated the developer has spoken with the neighborhoods and there is a need for affordable housing. They have not met with either BVWNA or JTWNA. The article can be viewed at: https://fortworthbusiness.com/real-estate/townhome-developer-acquires-5-2-acres-in-east-fort-worth/ BVWNA will continue to monitor these situations and keep you informed via emails and our website at http://bvwna.org. I know this is a lot of information, you are welcome to ask questions at info@BVWNA.org. Thank you, Ann Salyer-Caldwell, BVWNA President
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