About BV-WNA
2023-2024 BVWNABoard
Carolyn Meier
Vice President
John Fletcher
Courtney Garner Lewis
Robin Sommerfeld
At-Large Members
Karen Gearinger
Diane Flahart
Immediate Past Presidents
Ann Salyer-Caldwell
Bill Buehler
Jack Salamone
​​Median & Monument
Chair: Chuck Lowry
Yard of the Month
Dianne Vanderweel
Neighborhood Comfort Team Chair: Vacant
BVWNA email: info@bvwna.org
BV-WNA has existed for 40 years, and advocates for you, the residents of our community. Bentley Village-Waterchase is proud to be a diverse, thriving neighborhood where people take pride in their homes, and we want to work with you to keep our area safe, beautiful, and strong.
Who we are​
BV-WNA is comprised of residents in the Bentley Village-Waterchase neighborhood and has existed since 1980. Residents support the BVWNA through annual dues paid at the beginning of each fiscal year (October 1 through September 30) and by participating in volunteer and/or neighborhood activities.
Why we are
1) to preserve & improve the physical, economic, and social health of our neighborhood
2) to enhance the quality of life and property values of our neighborhood
3) to be a collective, active voice to City Government
4) to discuss common neighborhood concerns and address the issues of our neighborhood
5) to communicate & socialize with your neighbors
What We Do
advocate for the member residents of our neighborhood
monitor and communicate to our residents city and county activities, such as re-zoning requests
serve as point of contact for city officials, the Fort Worth Alliance of Home & Neighbor Associations, potential home buyers, and potential developers
encourage business and development in our immediate area to benefit our neighborhood
bring residents together to address issues and concerns such as beautification of our external appearance (i.e. along JTWhite)
The City of Fort Worth communicates through registered homeowner and neighborhood associations. BVWNA is registered and recognized by city officials as their conduit to Bentley Village - Waterchase Estates residents. BVWNA is a member of the alliance of Neighborhoods of East Fort Worth and the Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Associations. The Board works with our city officials and partners with nearby associations to keep our neighborhood safe and beautiful.
For our members, BVWNA hosts meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, where members are invited to provide input and vote. BVWNA hosts open meetings for all residents to discuss issues of importance to the neighborhood, and events for all residents to get know each other and socialize.
Check the NEWS AND ALERTS page for current issues the Board is currently addressing.
Although BV-WNA does not administer the rules, please note that both the Bentley Village and Waterchase Estates neighborhoods have important rules and restrictions about construction, repairs, additions, and renovations. Please consult our ACC page for details before you begin any projects!
Did you know ...
that Randol Mill got its name because this was the spot of an actual mill, one of the first built in DFW?
Our area
The BV-WNA neighborhood includes properties in the Bentley Village Addition subdivision and the Waterchase Estates Addition subdivision. Our neighborhood is defined on the west by Randol Mill Road and on the south by John T. White Road. It also includes all properties on Racquet Club Drive and all properties on Hasten Court, Waterchase Drive, Waterchase Circle and Claycourt Circle. Our general area is bordered on the north by the West Fork of the Trinity River, the east by Village Creek, and the south by the Waterchase Golf Club.