Tarrant County COVID-19 Vaccine & Testing
Visit covidtests.gov to get free tests delivered to your home by the U.S. Postal Service. Or purchase FDA-approved OTC (over-the-counter) tests and request imbursement from your health insurance. Or ask your local pharmacy if it has free tests available. Or check with Tarrant County Health Department for free testing sites and more information about testing.
As of July 13th, of all the eligible population in the 76120 zip code:
57.5% have received at least one dose of the vaccination;
50.6% are fully vaccinated,
19.2% have received a booster six months after second dose.
As of July 15th, the Community Spread Level is HIGH .
If it has been six months since your second vaccination, you can get a booster shot to see you through the spring season. Vaccinations (Pfizer, Moderna & Johnson&Johnson) are available across Tarrant County. Make an appointment at your local pharmacy or you can contact Tarrant County Health Department Don't forget to take your COVID Card and ID!!
For Children 5 to 11 years old, please contact the Tarrant County Health Department to find the locations with children's doses and for the ID requirements for parents and children.
If you are not registered, it's not too late! And It's Free!!
Do You Have Questions About Getting the COVID Vaccine? Check out https://getvaccineanswers.org/
Are you afraid of Needles? You're Not Alone. Some estimate 30% of adults experience anxiety when getting an injection. Before you go: Talk to yourdoctor, health-care provider or a counselor. Focus on the benefits of getting the vaccine for you and for others. Have someone you trust go with you to your vaccine appointment. And when you arrive for your appointment: Please tell the nurse about your concerns. Ask to lie down or put your feet up to receive vaccine. Distract yourself like wiggling your toes. And Focus on the Benefits!
The Texas Department of State Health Services announced effective May 12, 2021 that adolescents ages 12 to 15 years old are now eligible to receive the vaccine against COVID-19. Parental consent is required for the vaccination of children in this age group. At this time, only the Pfizer vaccine is authorized for people ages 12 to 17, so make sure the provider has the Pfizer vaccine when making your appointment or before attending a walk-up vaccine site.
Since March 29th, all adults and teenagers 16 years and older have been eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in Texas. The state’s Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel recommended opening vaccination to everyone who falls under the current Food and Drug Administration emergency use authorizations to protect as many Texans as possible. Now the vaccine is being distributed to more providers to make it easier for folks to get the vaccine. So Sign Up TODAY!!
Register for an Appointment to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine
Everyone who wants the COVID vaccine should register with Tarrant County and get in the queue to get an appointment. At this time, appointments are being scheduled for residents in the 1A and 1B phase, teachers and other occupations, and for those 50 years and older. Everyone who wants the vaccine can register.
To register with Tarrant County, click this link:
If you are not eligible, you can still sign up to receive a case number and have a place in line. When you become eligible, you will receive an email, text or phone call.
COVID-19 Testing in Tarrant County
Tests at all sites are available by online appointment at covidtesting.tarrantcounty.com. Residents who do not have access to a computer may call 817-248-6299 to schedule an appointment. Testing at Tarrant County sites is free.
For more information about testing and testing sites, go to this link at http://access.tarrantcounty.com/en/public-health/disease-control---prevention/COVID-19/covid-19-testing-in-tarrant-county.html.
You can contact your doctor or health care provider to get answers to your questions, or contact the Tarrant County Health Department. The local COVID-19 Tarrant County hotline is 817-248-6299.
Information from the Texas Dept of State Health Services (DSHS)
For the latest information from the Texas Department of State Health Services: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/news/updates.shtm