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Public Townhall Meeting for District 5

The Public Townhall Meeting for District 5 was well attended and very informative. BVWNA Board members attended this event and will be posting information updates - so check back.

On September 11, Councilmember/Pro Tem Mayor Gyna Bivens hosted a townwhall for East Fort Worth residents at the University of Texas at Arlington Research Institute at 7300 Jack Newell Blvd South. The townhall was held for residents to learn about the Proposed 2022 City Budget, the Proposed 2022 Bond Program, and the Project for the Redistricting of City Council districts. The election for the City's bond proposal will be held May 7, 2022.

The city manager recommended a $1.8 billion budget that continues to focus on infrastructure improvements while also decreasing the city property tax rate. Click Here to see the proposed budget for 2022.

There are several bond projects in East Fort Worth. Residents are encouraged to review the proposed bond and provide comments and input. An interactive map can be found on the web page for the bond proposal. Residents can provide through the interactive map suggestions and comments to proposed projects or propose new projects. Click Here to see the proposed bond program for 2022 and the button to access the interactive map.

The Redistricting Task Force has been working to ensure representation for Fort Worth's growing population. The Task Force is actively seeking public input from across the city. Software is being made available for individuals to create districts, and classes are available in September and October. Click here to learn more about the work of the Redistricting Task Force.

Also, the FWISD Superintendent provided an overview of the Proposed 2021 ISD Bond Package to the East Fort Worth Neighborhood Alliance. This FWISD Bond Proposal comes in four parts A. Campus Remodels/Additions, B. Fine Arts, C. Stadium/Field House Complexes, and D. Athletic Improvements. This bond will not require any tax increase. The Election for the FWISD Bond is November 2, 2021.



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BVWNA - "Your Link to Our Community"


Bentley Village - Waterchase Estates Neighborhood Association

P. O. Box 122294

Arlington, Texas 76012-8294                                                                


Copyright © 2020 Bentley Village-Waterchase Neighborhood Association, All rights reserved.


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