Free Trees!
Request Free Trees by August 31st -- Read more....
Greetings Bentley Village and Waterchase neighbors!

We have a unique opportunity to get free trees from the Fort Worth Tree Farm, and I am organizing this project for Bentley Village and Waterchase neighborhoods.
Please click on the following for the sign-up sheet and information:
By clicking on the above link, you can easily request your trees online. The trees that are listed on the form are those that should be available. They ask about your tree preferences in case your first preference is not available. There are also 3 other website links listed. The first describes the trees listed (plus others not on the list). The second gives information about the FREE TREE program. The third is a tree planting guide.
The deadline for ordering the trees is August 31, 2022. You can either fill out the form online or mail me your preferences at The trees should be delivered to a designated spot in our neighborhood around the end of September. More on that later.
The requirement is that you plant the tree or trees in your front yard anywhere from 2 feet to 20 feet from the street. Ultimately, the number of trees will depend on the space available in your front yard and will be determined by Hannah Johnson, head of the Fort Worth Tree Farm.
If you do not know where the underground cables are in your front yard, you should call 811 to find out where they are buried so you don’t cut a line.
If you have any questions, let me know.
Susan Miller 817-261-1420

For Descriptions and Illustrations of trees, visit Texas A&M Forest Service website (NOTE: not all trees depicted are available through the program)

For More Information About The Neighborhood Tree Planting Program, visit

For Information on Selection, Planting, Maintenance and more visit the Texas A&M Forst Service "Tree Planting Tools" site
And Don't Forget to Call 811 before you Dig!
Call 8-1-1 or visit the website
