BVWNA Annual General Meeting 2021-2022
Saturday, October 23, 2021 @ 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
(Putting contest will be held after the meeting is adjourned.)
The BVWNA Board will host the fiscal year 2022 Annual General Meeting as required in the By-Laws. This meeting is open to all residents of Bentley Village-Waterchase Estates (member and non-member). All current members are encouraged to attend and participate in this important annual meeting.
2022 membership dues of $100 per year will be accepted upon arrival at the event for new & renewing members. The price of dinner is included in your annual 2022 membership dues (excluding alcoholic beverages.)
Dinner Price for non-members is $10 per person.
Dinner includes two street tacos, rice, beans and chips and salsa. Water and tea will be provided. A cash bar will be available. The large meeting room has been reserved to allow for social distancing.
BVWNA Business - Taco Dinner - Door Prizes
Cash Bar - Putting Contest!!
Texas Golf Center & Cartel Taco Bar
8940 Creek Run Road
Fort Worth TX 76120

-- Guest Speakers --
District 5 Council Member & Mayor Pro Tem Gyna Bivens
District 5 Director Sandra Breaux
FWPD Beat H16 Neighborhood Patrol Officer Travis Ward
Recap of BVWNA activities
Budget Approval by vote of 2022 Members
Officer Elections by vote of 2022 Members
Door Prizes
Putting Contest will be held after the meeting is adjourned.
Join Your Neighbors!
Support Our Local Businesses & Don't Miss this Fun Event!
All BVWNA Members:
This is our important annual meeting where you will be asked to vote on issues such as our annual budget, to make nominations for Board positions and elect the Board officers.
Board Positions are:
President (Incumbent: Ann Salyer-Caldwell)
Vice-President (Incumbent: Gloria Mapston)
Treasurer (Incumbent: Courtney Garner Lewis)
Secretary (Incumbent: Robin Sommerfeld)
Recruiter (Incumbent: Renee Cottrell-Brown)
Communications (Incumbent: Carolyn Meier)
At-Large Officer (Vacant - Candidate Needed!)
At-Large Officer (Vacant - Candidate Needed!)
The elected At-Large Board officers serve as voting members, promote the BVWNA, and assist with various activities, events and committees as needed.
<<<=== Please consider serving in one of these important positions! ===>>>
Members can also volunteer to serve on one of our committees:
Yard-Of-the-Month Committee
Median & Monument Committee
Cowtown Clean-Up & Annual Litter Stop Committee