2023 Cowtown Great American Cleanup
Success! We picked up a dozen bags of trash and deposited them to the City's Drop Off site in about one hour. A Huge Thanks to our neighborhood volunteers!
Jay Mapston
Susan Miller
Kevin & Cheryl Wilson
Trish Fletcher
Robin Sommerfeld
Chuck Lowry
Jack McDaniel
Carolyn Meier
BVWNA will host our volunteers on Saturday, March 25 at 8:30 a.m.!
It's that time of year of again. BVWNA has registered our neighborhood to participate in the City's largest annual litter clean up and beautification event! Join "Keep Fort Worth Beautiful" and your Bentley Village-Waterchase neighbors for the 38th Annual Cowtown Great American Cleanup on Saturday, March 25, 2023. Many thousands of volunteers across the city from neighborhood associations, schools, churches, businesses and individuals! BVWNA will focus on the exterior area of our neighborhood along John T White.
BVWNA has registered and received supplies and t-shirts (while supplies last) to clean up the litter around our neighborhood. All you need to do is show up on Saturday, March 25th, 8:30 a.m. at the Bentley Village-Waterchase monument sign on John T White.
Youth & Teen Volunteers:
We will have certificates for our young residents who are working to earn volunteer hours to meet job, educational or community involvement requirements.
Post-Cleanup Celebration:
Volunteers are invited to join KFWB at Trinity Park (2401 University Dr. Fort Worth, TX) for Earth Party immediately following the Cowtown Cleanup! Volunteers will find entertainment, Earth-themed vendors, pet adoptions, entertainment and a free hot dog lunch!
Earth Party
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
2401 University Drive, Fort Worth TX