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Prevention is Key! - Face Masks & Fighting Mosquitos

Tarrant County Face Mask Requirement

There is currently a statewide requirement that individual people wear masks or face coverings in most public places.

Tarrant County Judge B. Glen Whitley has signed an Executive Order requiring that face masks be work in all Tarrant County businesses and at outdoor gatherings of more than 100 people. Guidance and information about protective masks and face coverings can be found on the Tarrant County website.

So #MaskUp and #StaySweet@6Feet to keep yourself, your family and your neighbors safe!

Mosquito Spraying in Fort Worth

Reducing the mosquito population and your risk of being bitten by them is the best way to prevent infection. The City began targeted ground spray for West Nile Virus in key areas of Fort Worth. Our neighborhood is not currently on the list for target spraying ... yet. So it is important we all take extra steps to prevent the spread of West Nile virus through mosquitos.

Take a moment to walk around your yard especially after rainfall or watering and look for any areas mosquitos can breed. It only takes a few tables spoons of standing water or saturated soil to give a home to thousands of mosquitos!

  • Dump standing water in and around your home by emptying and scrubbing all outdoor containers such as pools, toys, planters, birdbaths and trash containers.

  • Tightly cover water storage containers such as buckets, cisterns and rain barrels so that mosquitoes cannot get inside to lay eggs.

  • Clean out gutters to avoid standing water. Examine gutters for damage that would cause water to collect.

  • Inspect your yard after every rainfall and empty any containers or areas where water has collected. Also watch for puddles where condensation gathers from the AC unit.

  • Use screens on windows and doors and repair holes in the screens.

  • Apply insect repellent anytime you’re outside. Use insect repellent with one of these active ingredients: DEET, Picaridin or oil of lemon/eucalyptus or other EPA-approved repellent.

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