Vote Early until July 10th or Vote on July 14th!

Fort Worth voters will cast ballots on whether to continue the city’s Crime Control and Prevention District, which provides revenue from a ½-cent sales tax dedicated to funding programs aimed at reducing and preventing crime in Fort Worth.
The district was established in 1995 following high crime rates that occurred in the late 1980s. Since the district was created in 1995, the city’s population has grown by 93%. During that same period, the number of Part I crimes (murder, rape, aggravated assault, burglary, robbery, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft and arson) per 100,000 residents has gone down by 63%, according to a City of Fort Worth news release.
In-person early voting runs June 29-July 10.
Polls will be open on July 14 from 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
To learn more about voter registration, voting locations and sample ballots, visit the Tarrant County Election Day website:
Read more about the Crime Control and Prevention District project in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:
“Crime protection or slush-fund? Why Fort Worth’s police tax may be in jeopardy”
by Luke Ranker, June 12, 202001:49 PM