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2020 Litter Stomp - Thank you

The 2020 BVWNA was very successful - thanks to our volunteer residents who showed up and thanks to our residents who clean up year round! Bags and bags of trash were collected along John T White, Randol Mill, and Eastchase. A small team trimmed all the trees and shubs around the old brick boundary wall on JTWhite. Everyone masked up! There were donuts, coffee and tshirts for all! And we all got to be active, meet neighbors, socialize, and do good for our community!

If you are a BVWNA member, you can see the photos on the Members Only Page. The work by the volunteers made a BIG difference. Read the BVWNA website for the latest news and when the next Cowtown Clean Up will be scheduled!


Saturday, October 17th at 9:00am - 11:00am

Meet at the Bentley Village-Waterchase sign on John T White for Coffee & Donuts

City will Provide Gloves, Bags, T-Shirts, and Masks if you don't have one!

Get Your Saturday Off to a Good Start!

Dear Neighbors,

The annual Fort Worth Litter Stomp is back on. Obviously 2020 has been a challenging time for our community but neighborhood cleanup, safety, and beautification is now of utmost importance.

It’s disappointing to see the trash accumulating around our neighborhood, particularly the unoccupied stretch along Randol Mill and John T White… even a few shopping carts litter this area. Every piece we see, devalues our neighborhood and threatens our personal well-being and quality of living.

So I urge all neighbors to join the Fort Worth Litter Stomp on Saturday, October 17 - 9:00am-11:00am. Meeting at the Bentley Village sign on John T White where the City will provide gloves, bags, T-shirts… and Masks if you don’t have your own.

Also, please follow up our actions with your voice. I encourage everyone to continue the pressure demanding that the property owners along Randol Mill remove trash and comply with City Codes themselves. Don’t hesitate to contact Fort Worth Code Compliance or Council Rep Biven’s office as this trash collects again.

Finally, your voice is unified and vastly strengthened by participating in the Bentley Village–Waterchase Neighborhood Association. This organization has a direct effect on maintaining property values and quality of living in our remote edge of Fort Worth. The membership drive and officer elections are approaching. It’s a minimal investment to join. Better yet, serve on the Board and take the opportunity to help strengthen our neighborhood even further.

I hope to see you at Litter Stomp! Of course, feel free to pick up any trash you see throughout the area every day.

Thank You!

Jay Mapston


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