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New Crime Watch Program

You may see a few of the old Crime Watch signs in our neighborhood. However, Bentley-Village/Waterchase does not have an active Crime Watch program at this time.

The Fort Worth Police Department's East Division Crime Prevention Office is working to strengthen existing programs and start new crime prevention activities across all of East Fort Worth neighborhoods.

New Contact for East Division Crime Prevention:

Steve Kaneaster, Crime Prevention Specialist for the FWPD East Division, Steve and his cohorts will be providing monthly Crime Prevention training for East Fort Worth residents each month. You must RSVP for this training via email to Steve! BVWNA will work with Steve to see how our neighborhood association can strengthen our neighborhood safety and security!

Training Every Month:

The FWPD East Division will provide Neighborhood Crime Watch Training on:

First Tuesday of each Month at 6:00pm

Meadowbrook Library

2800 Stark Street

Please RSVP to

& confirm address and time

Monthly Crime Watch Newsletter:

The FWPD East Division will send out a monthly crime watch newsletter. BVWNA will post the crime prevention newsletter on our website.

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BVWNA - "Your Link to Our Community"

Bentley Village - Waterchase Estates Neighborhood Association

P. O. Box 122294

Arlington, Texas 76012-8294                                                                

Copyright © 2020 Bentley Village-Waterchase Neighborhood Association, All rights reserved.

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